You want to get into the Top 20% of Men…. Let’s GO!

3 min readMar 6, 2022

DID YOU KNOW ? that 80% of women are only interested in the top 20% of Men. Coming their view point, they have every absolute right to do so. Experiments don’t even need to be conducted to show that more men have given in to sloth, timidity (Yes timidity),video games, no ambition, Porn, chronic alcoholism and the likes in this modern day era of maximum comfort at our finger tips. lifestyle and work or grind to becoming the confident, masculine, muscular, enchanting, heroic visionary that women dream and thirst to have or at least men strive to reach in 60 euro video games.


Formulas or principles that only the top 2% of the most influential, productive, financial Gurus use to conquer every single day.




1. FIX YOUR HEALTH: woah, did he just say fix your health like its that easy! Now take 5 seconds and ask “Do I feel fulfilled in my current position” or you can just be like lazy Harry . Your mind will give you the answer as you mutter these words. If the answer is no, let’s go to the tricks…

Mental Health.

This is a very fundamental, but overlooked part of everyone. From my experience, the most effective way to start is to drink a glass of water, go to a completely quiet place (your room), stare at your wall for 5 minutes right now and breathe slowly and longer. Just set five minutes everyday out of the 8 hours you spend on your screen to stare at your wall in absolute silence. Start with one day, conquer and then increase to two days, conquer and add like that. This is the beginning of your conquest and the journey to becoming top tier. After a week, do a self evaluation and write your observation. You will feel incredible and at peace. Gradually, you progress to making few sentences of gratitude in a journal and maybe even therapy.

Physical Health

Your body is like a machine that you completely control. In this sense, its needs constant maintenance to work its absolute best. Start with the basics;

FOOD; throw or give out all junk food in your room and go by veggies with your mum. If this sounds insane ( which obviously does), start by reducing the number of treats you consume in a day. If you usually take lets say 15 cookies, take 13 today, take 10 tomorrow. Its okay if you fail sometimes, progress just has to made even slowly. Basically, you need to eat food low in salt, processed sugar and high fat/cholesterol. Eat more foods rich in protein (animals or plants), lower carbs and the lowest fat. Take 15 minutes, go use Google to discover the benefits of these miraculous, tasteless green things we are usually forced to eat. Apart from food we also need to apply this reduction principle to other things we do like Fap, Video games, only Fans…..

EXERCISE; Now different males have different body types and that’s why its crucial to go on with exercises that maximise your own muscle strength and growth. It won’t be the same for everyone. Just watch some videos to know more about the muscles in your body, how they work and exactly what you need to improve them. For most men, its usually the bigger neck, broader shoulder, pumped chest and hardcore abs. Note that this goes in line with your feeding habits. There are so many free no equipment workout apps on playstore or applestore to download and get started eg Home workout, freeletics, 7 minute workout and more.

